Course: STAT 360, Engineering Statistics
Text: Statistical Methods for Engineers/G.G. Vining
Other materials may be placed on library reserve or provided separately in class.
Instructor: Dr. Kevin T. Kilty
Office: Adjunct Faculty Office
Office hours: Typically after class until noon.
Time: Fridays 7:30-10:00 am
Location: Library Rm. 240
Course Objectives: Course Outcomes: My aim is to have students become proficient in the following topics by the conclusion of this course. Tentative schedule: If we limit ourselves to two in-class exams, we will have approximately 14 useful class meetings. Thus, we must cover material approximately according to the schedule in Table 1. Table 1. Date Topic Materials/Tasks Sep. 1 Introduction: Statistics in engineering, science and the broader economy. Motivation for topics covered in this class. Chp. 1 and 2 Vining, additional material in class. Sep. 8 Elements of probability: distributions and their description Vining, Chps. 2, 3 Sep 15 More about probability/Bayesian view Vining, Chp. 3/aditional material Sep 22 Practicum. Using statistical features of Excel. Half class in each of two sessions, tentatively? Sep 29 Distributions and applications Vining, Chp. 3. Oct 6 Yet more distributions; yet more applications. We will tidy up Chp. 3 in Vining, and look at some extracurricular material. Oct 13 Review and MIDTERM Can you imagine the bad planning it took to schedule an exam for Friday the 13th? Attendance required. Oct 20 Inference and inversion Vining, Chp. 4. Oct 27 Inference and inversion Vining, Chp. 4. Nov 3 Process Control Vining, Chp. 5. Nov 10 Regression and models Vining, Chp. 6. Nov 17 Models and experiment design Extracurricular material. We will just examine how experiments, probability and statistics contribute to simulation. Dec 1 Response surfaces/Process Optimization. Specific sections in Vining. Extracurricular material. Dec 8 Simulation Special topic of simulation. How everything we have learned contributes to simulation./Project presentations. Dec 15 Final Class Session Project presentations. Week of Dec 18 FINAL EXAM Whew! Attendance policy: I do not demand strict attendance. However, I present supplemental material (especially on bayesian methods) in class. We will work many specific examples in class as well. Non-attendance is no defense for being unfamiliar with this material. Grading criteria: We can alter this scheme according to the class's desires. However, I suggest a mid-term and final exam each weighted 25%, homework weighted 25%, and a small project weighted 25%. An "A" grade is 90+ or better, a "B" is 75+ to 90, a "C" is 60+ to 75, a "D" is 40+ to 60, and an "F" is 40 or below. I strongly propose using the project as learning exercize. ADA policy: The policy of WSU, Vancouver is to make all reasonable accommodation for students who have documented disabilities. For those students who require accommodation please make appropriate arrangements with our Student Services Office during the first two weeks of class. Student responsibilities: You have certain responsibilities and rights as an adult and a student of WSU Vancouver. Please refer to the student manual for a description of what these entail. Further inquiries may be directed to Kevin T. Kilty