Mirages are always tiny little features near the horizon, and maybe near the limit of sight. Your brain may be fooled into thinking they are large, sometimes; but the camera never lies. This mirage shows the Colorado Front Range as it appeared from 15 miles northeast of Cheyenne, Wyoming. The flat tops of the mountains are entirely ficticious. They result from the lower part of each mountain being reflected at an interface bewteen cold air below and warm air above. The true tops of the mountain peaks are gone. They are hidden behind the "mirror" so to speak.

The dark objects along the foreground ridge are houses on a hill north of Cheyenne. Since the houses are 10 miles away or so, you get a good idea of how insignificant a mirage actually is, and why it is difficult to get good photographs of them.

This type of mirage is called a superior mirage because the reflecting layer seems to be above us.